We provide free, personalised advice on business planning and setting up a business. Book an appointment for an advice session.
Here in Ensimetri, you can talk to our business advisor about your thoughts and ideas. Our advice is always confidential and free of charge!
A service for those who have had a working business for less than a year. Coaching and expert assistance in sales and marketing and in the development of business and business ideas, free of charge!
Ensimetri Established
Customer satisfaction (on a scale of 0-5)
A company set up through advice
A person who has received counseling
Companies still in operation
Follow us on the social media, so you know where to go. Events, trainings, tips and occasions!
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Laina on suunnattu 1–9 henkilöä työllistävien yritysten kasvun ja tuottavuuden parantamiseen ja on haettavissa rajoitetun ajan 1.10.2024–31.3.2025.